Are Cam and Mitch From Modern Family Actually Going to Adopt This Time?

Will Modern Familys Cam and Mitchell adopt a boy in the final season? The mid-season cliffhanger certainly has some people thinking they will! As the final season of Modern Family starts to wrap up, fans are making their predictions for what the last few episodes will bring us. Each main (modern) family in the show

Will ‘Modern Family’s Cam and Mitchell adopt a boy in the final season? The mid-season cliffhanger certainly has some people thinking they will!

Source: ABC

As the final season of Modern Family starts to wrap up, fans are making their predictions for what the last few episodes will bring us. Each main (modern) family in the show has gone through so much over the past 11 seasons — marriages, births, adoptions, deaths, elaborate Halloween decorations — there must be some big stuff planned for the end of the season, right?

Fans of Mitch and Cam are especially curious — will Modern Family’s Cam and Mitchell adopt a boy? Here’s what we know about the possibility of Lily getting a little brother.

Will ‘Modern Family’s Cam and Mitchell adopt a boy in the last season?

Those of us who have been watching Modern Family since the beginning remember that Mitch and Cam actually already tried to adopt a boy back in Seasons 3 and 4. In Season 3, Mitch and Cam’s attempts at bringing home a baby boy are thwarted again and again. They experience the biggest heartbreak in the finale when they get a call saying their baby is being born, only to find out that the boy’s grandmother will be taking custody.

In the first episode of Season 4, Cam and Mitchell come to terms with their decision not to have another child after all. After that, the couple remains mum on the subject of having a second child. Later, in Season 6, we find out that both Cam and Mitch are once again ready to adopt a second child when they babysit baby least, they are until Joe starts breaking stuff. Once again, they both decide that another kid is just not in the cards for them.

In Season 10, the Tucker-Pritchetts get another “test run” with kid No. 2 when they take in Cam’s nephew Calhoun for a few episodes. Once again, they quickly find themselves pretty overwhelmed with another kiddo running around the house. And while they don’t explicitly state that they’re once again throwing out the idea of adopting another baby, it’s probably pretty safe to assume that they are. At least for the time being.

Because now they have the chance — once again — to adopt. In the episode that aired on Feb. 19, 2020, Cam reveals to Mitchell that their adoption agency accidentally mixed up some paperwork and put them on a list to adopt. And someone chose them. They have 24 hours to decide whether they want the baby, and of course we’ve been waiting on pins and needles since that info came to light.

Source: ABC

But who ever said they had to adopt a *baby*?

We’ve seen Mitch and Cam decide several times over that they don’t have what it takes to bring another baby into their home. But! That doesn’t necessarily mean having a second child is completely off the table, right? For one thing, they could choose to take in this baby that seems to have magically appeared out of nowhere.

But what if Mitch and Cam choose to take in an older child? Maybe they could look into foster care — although they struggled with Cal, they did ultimately provide him with a safe and happy place to live. Or maybe one of the students at the school where Cam works needs a place to live! This is all just conjecture at this point, but we kind of think it’d be nice to see Mitch and Cam fulfill their dreams of having two kids without necessarily having to bring home a little baby.

Of course, we’re not going to know what happens to Cam and Mitch — or to the rest of the Modern Family crew — unless we keep watching the final season! It airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.

