Daryl Dixon Ends Up in France on 'The Walking Dead' Fans Need More Details

'The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon' features its titular character in France after traveling on a cargo ship filled with zombie test subjects. The Gist: After more than a decade on The Walking Dead, Daryl Dixon is headlining his own series with The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. The show sees Daryl discovering what the world is

'The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon' features its titular character in France after traveling on a cargo ship filled with zombie test subjects.

Source: AMC+

The Gist:

  • The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon features its titular character traveling to France.
  • The pilot reveals that Daryl was a prisoner on a cargo ship containing zombie test subjects headed to France when a mutiny happened on board, and Daryl managed to catch a lifeboat to the mainland.
  • The episode doesn't offer any hint as to why Daryl was on the cargo ship.

After more than a decade on The Walking Dead, Daryl Dixon is headlining his own series with The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. The show sees Daryl discovering what the world is like across the Atlantic as he travels to France, and while that's an intriguing premise, some fans have questions about the logistics of that idea.

If you're wondering how exactly Daryl winds up in Europe, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, then you're in luck. The first episode of Daryl Dixon, "L'âme Perdue," starts almost immediately with Daryl washing up on shore in France.

From there, we follow Daryl as he makes a journey to Lourdes while battling both varieties of walkers and the people who have united in the time since the virus began.

Source: AMC+

How does Daryl Dixon end up in France?

Although we don't learn the reasons for Daryl's travels to France, we do learn how he got there. The episode reveals that Daryl was a prisoner on a cargo ship bound for France. The ship contained a variety of zombie test subjects, but there was a mutiny on board that ultimately facilitated Daryl's escape.

"Our research is largely destroyed. Some of the test subjects may still be of use," a doctor in the episode says. "Whoever did this made a real mess of things for us."

Daryl's main goal now that he wound up in France is to find his way home, but it seems like that may be easier said than done. In the premiere, he agrees to escort a 12-year-old girl, some believe to be a prophet, to the north of France so that he can find his way back to America. He's on a mission that may take him an entire season, or even longer, to complete.

The episode doesn't delve too deeply into what kind of research is begin done on the zombies. The episode also doesn't explain what the broader goals of the Pouvoir Des Vivants, the political movement in France, are.

All of that seems like information that can be mined in future episodes, which will only build further intrigue about the wider world that this new series is exploring.

It was smart of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon to shift to an entirely new location. After more than a decade of exploring huge swaths of America, it was time to see how things were going somewhere else in the world. With Daryl as our familiar anchor, this series is going to expand every viewers' understanding of every corner and facet of the universe of The Walking Dead.

