Education: Bright Boy | TIME

TIME May 25, 1953 12:00 AM GMT-4 After three and a half years of getting straight As at the Boston Latin School, Thomas Joseph Hegarty, 17, last week proved how bright a boy can be: he beat out 7,892 competitors from all over the U.S. in the annual National Honor Society Bright Senior Contest, sponsored


May 25, 1953 12:00 AM GMT-4

After three and a half years of getting straight A’s at the Boston Latin School, Thomas Joseph Hegarty, 17, last week proved how bright a boy can be: he beat out 7,892 competitors from all over the U.S. in the annual National Honor Society “Bright Senior Contest,” sponsored by the National Association of Secondary-School Principals. His score on the test: 95 correct answers out of 123. Sample test questions : Who was “the sick man of Europe”? Innuendo is to statement as copy is to —archetype, duplicate, imitation, reproduction, protraction.

Who said: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”? Who said: “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it”? A centenarian was asked how many grandchildren he had. He replied that if he divided them into groups of two, three, four, five or six, he always had one left over, but that when he divided them into groups of seven there was no remainder.

What is the smallest number of grandchildren that could meet the conditions?*

* Answers: The Ottoman Empire, archetype, Edison, Lincoln, 301.

