See How the Bush Administration Responded to 9/11 in New Photos

Americans have seen the photo of the chief of staff whispering the news of 9/11 into George W. Bushs ear the morning of the attack in an elementary school classroom, and they know the iconic images of the former president speaking into a bullhorn amid the rubble at Ground Zero three days later. But now

Americans have seen the photo of the chief of staff whispering the news of 9/11 into George W. Bush’s ear the morning of the attack in an elementary school classroom, and they know the iconic images of the former president speaking into a bullhorn amid the rubble at Ground Zero three days later. But now new photos have been released that shed light on what was going on behind the scenes in the wake of the attack.

A Freedom of Information Act request from a Frontline producer has turned up a collection of images from the National Archives taken by former Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff photographer in the aftermath of the attack, as Cheney and others gathered in the President’s Emergency Operations Center underneath the White House. Then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State Colin Powell, First Lady Laura Bush, Second Lady Lynne Cheney and other prominent officials feature in the photos. See the full gallery of photos here.

