31 Obama and Biden Memes So Good You'll Laugh Uncontrollably

Updated Nov. 19 2020, 9:57 p.m. ET Barack Obama and Joe Bidenor Jobama as some people are calling them better start looking for a place to live, because in a few months, Donald Trump and Mike Pence will betaking over the White House.

31 Obama And Biden Memes That Are So Good They Should Get Four More Years


Updated Nov. 19 2020, 9:57 p.m. ET

Barack Obama and Joe Biden — or Jobama as some people are calling them — better start looking for a place to live, because in a few months, Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be taking over the White House. 

With Obama enjoying some of his most favorable approval ratings in the past few months, it’s safe to say a lot of people won’t be happy to see them go. In an attempt to escape from this horrible reality, the people of Twitter have been taking a guess at what conversations are taking place in the White House right now.  

Obama: "Joe, why are you still holding my hand?"
Biden: "I wanna freak Mike Pence out"
Obama: "But why?"
Biden: "Just roll with it" pic.twitter.com/o5KZZ0Ysgz

— thomas a moore 🌹 (@Thomas_A_Moore) November 12, 2016

Biden: what if I just played it from my phone real quick

Hillary: We're not playing The Imperial March when he gets here, Joe pic.twitter.com/7l2RIJ8gru

— Barack & Joe (@bidenandobama) November 13, 2016

Biden: I'm gonna throw his wig into the fireplace
Obama: Joe don't
Biden: One Horcrux down, 6 to go pic.twitter.com/YJt4gXYFfq

— Hogwarts Logic (@HogwartsLogic) November 16, 2016

Biden: *whispers* I left a bag of Cheetos in the bathroom.

Obama: Why?

Biden: in case he needs to powder his nose.

Obama: Joe.... pic.twitter.com/GHUAqwrHlC

— Common White Girl (@girlposts) November 16, 2016

Trump: Can I get past
Biden: What's the password
Trump: I don't know
Biden: Losers says what
Trump: What
Obama: JOE pic.twitter.com/TB713TMsES

— Typical Girl (@SoDamnTrue) November 15, 2016

Obama: Didn't think he'd be late

Biden: I gave him the wrong address

Obama: Joe he's the president-elect

Biden: idgaf what they call him pic.twitter.com/qLJ8BB93p1

— Girl Code (@reIatabIe) November 14, 2016

Joe: "What if we take batteries out of all of the remotes before we leave"

Barack:" Joe we can't-"

Joe: "Or we could cut all the cords" pic.twitter.com/wLD9Oe6Ugd

— memes (@memeprovider) November 11, 2016

Trump: Can I come in?
Joe: Name 5 brothers pic.twitter.com/oISfU5Gai0

— young queso (@brinsoncason) November 13, 2016

Obama: It's gonna be ok but we have to move.

Joe: But how will Santa know where to bring my presents next year?

Obama: I'll tell him

Joe: pic.twitter.com/4oLqM00465

— The Cultured Ruffian (@CulturedRuffian) November 13, 2016

Barack: Sign here, and here
Joe: And then the adoption is final & you and Michelle are my parents?
Barack: No, Joe pic.twitter.com/M5yf2SDuFG

— Jill Biden (@JillBidenVeep) November 13, 2016

Biden: Ok here's the plan: have you seen Home Alone
Obama: Joe, no
Biden: Just one booby trap
Obama: Joe pic.twitter.com/IDTc2L1sKF

— Dean E. S. Richard (@deanfortythree) November 11, 2016

Biden: Hillary was saying they took the W's off the keyboards when Bush won!
Obama: Joe put-
Biden: I TOOK THE T'S, THEY CAN ONLY TYPE RUMP pic.twitter.com/D6Vh7Zu429

— Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) November 13, 2016

Joe: I'm going to ask Donald if he wants something to eat
Barack: That's nice, Joe
Joe: And then I'm going to offer him knuckle sandwiches pic.twitter.com/xYJ0k2QTX6

— Jill Biden (@JillBidenVeep) November 13, 2016

"You brought him into our home..the one we've shared for 8 years.."

"Joe, he's about to be-"

"He sat in my chair." pic.twitter.com/3NQ1QXO2Ul

— 👶🏽KNDRXX 2/22👶🏽 (@_SailorKhandi_) November 13, 2016

biden: cmon you gotta print a fake birth certificate, put it in an envelope labeled "SECRET" and leave it in the oval office desk
obama: joe pic.twitter.com/uzHNPNT8dX

— memes (@DailyMemeSuppIy) November 11, 2016

Obama: you told him Nigel Farage was British Foreign Secretary didn't you?
Obama: Joe pic.twitter.com/npQFY2QNyB

— Katie Curtis (@KatieCurtis) November 13, 2016

Joe: Yes, that was me.

Obama: Please stop.

Joe: I will not stop. This room will smell so bad when he gets here.

Obama: Joe...

Joe: Nope. pic.twitter.com/49WkhsUwvr

— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) November 12, 2016

Biden: Maybe we make our own country and he won't be invited

Obama: Joe


— Barack & Joe (@bidenandobama) November 12, 2016

Joe: I hid all the pens from Trump
Obama: Why?
Joe: Because he bringing his own.
Obama: ???
Joe: HE'S BRINGING HIS OWN PENCE pic.twitter.com/uni3WUd4X3

— The Hashtagonist (@TheHashtag0nist) November 12, 2016

Joe: how about.. we Barrack-ade ourselves in the Joe-val office.

Obama: joe. What are you saying

Joe: think about it. pic.twitter.com/NfT85RT1FP

— "Sarah Schauer" (@SJSchauer) November 12, 2016

Biden: I've superglued a drawer in the oval shut then left a post-it note on it saying "secret Muslim agenda" it'll kill him
Obama: Joe stop pic.twitter.com/BJ7dVSKGqy

— Dean Nimbly (@Dean_Nimbly) November 12, 2016

"I know Joe called and ordered 500 pizzas to be delivered on January 21st, but I need you to cancel that order." pic.twitter.com/UQc7GoDSIn

— Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) November 11, 2016

Biden: can i put whoopee cushions under all the chairs before he gets here

Obama: joe im on the phone

Biden:*muttering* u didnt say not to pic.twitter.com/qfjh3ffkPE

— rudy mustang (@rudy_mustang) November 11, 2016

Barack: Who'd you vote for?
Joe: I wrote in Harambe pic.twitter.com/lOIegUBBzq

— Josh Swenson (@jswenn) November 14, 2016

Biden: These memes are just an illusory escape from the public's feelings of utter powerlessness and uncertainty right now

Obama: Joe... pic.twitter.com/ozIoctMfpg

— lord crunkington III (@postcrunk) November 14, 2016

Biden: ...so, when Trump walks in, you duck and I sock him wit-
Obama: No, Joe pic.twitter.com/sJIejb1rEN

— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) November 10, 2016

Biden: Oh boy, his car is here, quick let's all hide
Obama: Joe pls pic.twitter.com/w0pqxcaS9A

— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) November 10, 2016

Biden: bro come over
Obama: bro we're supposed to be packing
Biden: look I made a flipagram of us throughout our 8 years
Obama: BROO pic.twitter.com/eyXvy0RMZZ

— Sol 💜🌈TOMORROWXNDN (@queerstewart) November 11, 2016

Biden: I'm gonna punch him.
Obama: Smile and wave, Joe. pic.twitter.com/ImEz6X68jm

— Norm Kelly (@norm) November 11, 2016

Biden: how did we lose the election

Obama: Joe I told you we didn't run

Biden: haha oh yeah


Biden: wait they're kicking us out?

— paperwash© (@PaperWash) November 10, 2016

"barack please don't leave me with them"
"joe you're leaving when I leave"
"oh right lmao love u" pic.twitter.com/gnQE3UdyS8

— WSHH FANS (@WORIDSTARHIPH0P) September 27, 2016

In an interview with NBC News, Biden said that the majority of memes about the duo accurately reflect their relationship. "All those memes — there are thousands of them out there — in essence, they're all true. We had that kind of relationship," he said. "My granddaughters and his daughters are each other's best friends. They vacation together. You know, it's family."

The VP said his favorite meme is the one that says, "Biden: cmon you gotta print a fake birth certificate, put it in an envelope labeled 'SECRET' and leave it in the oval office desk. Obama: joe."

He added, "A couple of ones I liked were ones where I was trying on Ray Bans and he's lying on the couch and I turn around and I said, 'Which ones do you like?' And he looks at me and says, 'Joe, Joe, come on, focus here.'"

Obama even made his own meme for Biden's birthday. On Twitter, he wrote, "ME: Joe, about halfway through the speech, I’m gonna wish you a happy birth--
ME:  Joe.
Happy birthday to @JoeBiden, my brother and the best vice president anybody could have."

We love these two.

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