50 very funny Nigerian jokes and tips from Mr Macaroni

Nigeria has a rich culture defined by numerous tribes, beliefs, religions, and other societal aspects. Like in other rich cultural settings, the country is home to innumerable folktales, myths, legends, riddles, and hilarious jokes. The country's jokes often touch on numerous issues, including the norms associated with Nigerians, poverty, language, and so much more. Which

Nigeria has a rich culture defined by numerous tribes, beliefs, religions, and other societal aspects. Like in other rich cultural settings, the country is home to innumerable folktales, myths, legends, riddles, and hilarious jokes. The country's jokes often touch on numerous issues, including the norms associated with Nigerians, poverty, language, and so much more. Which are some of the top funny Nigerian jokes today? Mr Macaroni, a famous Nigerian comedian and actor, shares insights into the global impact of social media on humor and other comedic styles.


Like in other countries, most Nigerian jokes are predicated on the aspects that define Nigeria's people, institutions, leadership, economic status, and history.

In a recent conversation with Legit.ng, Adebowale David Ibrahim Adedayo, better known as Mr. Macaroni, a prominent Nigerian comedian, actor, and activist, highlighted the role of social media in empowering comedians to create and share content, promoting connections with audiences worldwide. He said:

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For creators like myself, it gave us a platform. When social media came in, it was like an art, an avenue to express my talent and prove myself. These social media platforms have helped in projecting that. For a platform like TikTok, shorter videos do very well; they're shorter in portrait mode. People want a quick laugh, 30 seconds, 15 seconds. They want to see that and move on to the following creator. The YouTube community loves longer entertaining content. The YouTube audience mostly wants to relax at home, somewhere in the office when they have a 15-minute break, or what have you; they want to watch. I've understood the different platforms and used them to the advantage of growing the Mr. Macaroni Entertainment brand.

Collaboration in Nigerian comedy

Mr Macaroni also emphasized the importance of collaboration among comedy content creators, adding that it displays each individual's elements and uniqueness. He explained:

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So, instead of competition, the best thing is coming together to create fantastic content for the audience. You will be shocked that some people who don't enjoy Creator A's content when you collaborate now see something special about Creator A or Creator B or C, and they say, "This person is not bad; I enjoyed the performance in 'so-so' content."There will be some people, members of the audience, that don't maybe like Mr Macaroni's content, but when they see him on maybe Broda Shaggi's content or Kiekie's content, they say, "I enjoyed him there," and that way they come to my page, and they say, "Wow, okay, it's not bad." While some see other people on our content and say, "Wow." So it can only be a plus, not a minus; that's collaboration. It brings different people and creators together and projects them more.

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There are some creators I have more reach than, and some have more reach than me. When you collaborate, you're able to reach even more people collectively.

The top Nigerian jokes and comedy

Here are some very funny Naija jokes that capture the spirit of Nigerian humor.

Short and funny Nigerian jokes

What are some good Nigerian short jokes? Here is a look at some hilarious short jokes touching on various Nigerian issues.

  • Only in Nigeria can one find a native doctor using a laptop.
  • You then wonder, are they consulting the spirits online?
  • Do not worry if time does not wait for you. Simply remove the battery from the clock and live your life.
  • A beggar tells a rich Nigerian prince that money can't buy happiness. The prince thinks for a while, then replies, "Well, true, but poverty can't buy anything!"
  • A black man with a parrot on his shoulder walks into a bar. The bartender looks surprised and says, "Huh, where'd you get him?" "Nigeria", replied the parrot.
  • Problems everywhere! A man in Abuja recently bought a used Samsung Galaxy phone and found photos of his girlfriend on it.
  • A small apple is now ₦100. Something the serpent gave Eve for free.
  • Stop warming bath water with a cooking pot; one man in the bank today was smelling like jollof rice.
  • That moment during exams when the teacher asks you to sit in the front, you look back and see your friends cheating peacefully.
  • The 'w' in Nigeria stands for water. There is none.
  • The Akwa Ibom State Police Command released 350 dogs on the streets to enforce the lockdown. Only six remain now.
  • There are two reasons why I won't let my girlfriend drive my Range Rover. One, I don't have a girlfriend, and two, I don't have a Range Rover.
  • There is a woman behind every successful man. Do you know why? Because women do not follow unsuccessful men.
  • Those of you who eat dinner by 6 p.m. and stay comfortable until daybreak, please tell me how you do it. The day I tried that, I almost fainted.
  • Dark humor is like food in Nigeria. Not everybody gets it.
  • How do you solve world hunger and poverty simultaneously? By feeding the poor to the hungry.
  • I feel bad for kids in third-world countries. They must go through puberty and their mid-life crisis at the same time.
  • I recently flew to Lagos to do some charity work. It was an eye-opening, shocking experience. The poverty, the starvation, the fighting, the smell, the noise. I am never flying economy again.
  • I thought money was the only thing that could change people until I went to a wedding yesterday, and ordinary Jollof rice made someone act as if she did not know me.
  • I told you I do not have a girlfriend, and you asked me to swear, Nkechi, what will you gain if I die?
  • I want to hear 99 Nigerians sing 'Africa' by Toto. It's something that a hundred men or more could never do.
  • I was confused why there are so many stories about vampires in Europe but not in Nigeria. Then I remembered that vampires are killed by holy water. They bless the rains down in Africa.
  • Can the last born marry a last born? What if they wake up in the middle of the night and start crying, "I want to see my mother?"
  • Which part of Nigeria is my fatherland? I'm broke and want to sell my portion.
  • I am addicted to poverty. If my bank account has money in it, I suffer withdrawal.
  • If you dodge your mother's slap in Nigeria, you have officially joined a cult.

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Hilarious long Nigerian jokes

Are you looking for some long and funny Nigerian jokes to tell a girl? Here are some amazing options you can use.

  • A Christian missionary goes to proselytize in Nigeria and gets lost. He begins wandering aimlessly through a thick forest and stumbles upon a lion. He then gets scared the lion will eat him, so he starts praying to God to protect him from the lion. Then, suddenly, he sees the lion praying as well! He gets relieved and tells the lion, "I didn't know you're a believer as well. I'm so glad. For a moment, I thought that you might eat me." The lion responds, "Quiet, please! Don't interrupt my mealtime prayer!"
  • A group of charity workers are sent to Nigeria to see how their program is working. They are walking down a street and see a crocodile with a man's head in its mouth. When they get home and are asked about how their trip went, one of them says, "We can cut all funding. They got Lacoste sleeping bags."
  • A man is on a photo safari in Nigeria. He finds an elephant in distress, lying in the bushes. Upon inspection, he finds that the elephant has a large, sharp rock embedded in the bottom of its foot. He carefully pulls the rock free, and the elephant gets up and saunters away. A decade later, he is back in his hometown when a circus is visiting, and they put on a parade. As the man is watching all the animals go past, he notices and makes eye contact with a large African elephant. The elephant immediately turns toward the man, picks him up in its trunk, slams him on the pavement, and then stomps the life out of him. It was a different elephant.
  • A policeman is praying at a church, and a priest comes to him! "Priest, tell me, son, who killed Abel?" The policeman then answers, "Father, please ask the one who is in charge of Abel's murder case!"
  • A professor in Nigeria is teaching her students how to form English sentences. "Attention, class. I have two words: Cheetah and dandelion. Can anybody use these together in a sentence?" One student raises their hand and answers, "the cheetah is faster dandelion."
  • An American and Nigerian are talking. The American says, 'I like my coffee like I like my wives", to which the Nigerian replies, "from a third world country at a reasonable price?"
  • Buying flowers for your Nigerian village girlfriend is not a problem. The problem is when you get a text from her the next day saying, 'the vegetables you bought me tasted funny.'
  • If Nigeria invades another country, we will leave that country in a state of poverty and despair, where half the population can't read, and the ever-present threat of needless violence blights daily life. Yes, we'll have brought the Nigerian way of life to them.
  • Just a reminder to all married people, if you promised your wife/husband that you would love her/him 24 hours a day, start now.
  • A mad man tells a doctor, "I have a problem, I dream of cows playing football every day." The doctor gives him some medicines. The mad man replies, "I'll start taking the meds tomorrow, today is the finals."
  • Man-made car, man-made plane, and man-made ship, what has this other gender made?
  • My friend made it his life's mission to fight poverty. He now wrestles homeless Nigerians every weekend.
  • NASA Just found water on mars, Mars-1, Nigeria-0.
  • It's only in Nigeria where we count money after we withdraw it from an ATM because we don't trust ATMs.
  • Only in Nigeria can you see a person selling books from street to street titled How To Make Money Without Stress. Why has he not made that money yet?
  • Our neighbor's pot of soup went missing, and they suspect me. How can I steal soup that is even over salty?
  • Please take a moment to thank and appreciate those guys who dated you in high school. They loved you without makeup, Brazilian hair, with your oversized uniform, ugly school bag, and rubber sandals. My sister, that was true love.
  • Three drunkards from Lagos board a taxi. The cab driver, intent on swindling them, starts the car and then kills the engine a minute later. The drunkards pay him and ask him never to drive that fast again.
  • Two immigrants from Nigeria arrive in the United States and are discussing the difference between their country and America. One of them mentions he's heard that people in America eat dogs, and if they're going to fit in, they better eat dogs as well. So, they head to the nearest hot dog stand and order two 'dogs.' The first guy unwraps his meal, looks at it, and nervously looks at his friend and asks, "which part did you get?"
  • Using a public toilet without a lock is extreme sports; whenever you hear footsteps, you must either sing, clear your throat, or use your leg to wedge the door shut so that they know you are inside.
  • Walking through the jungles of Nigeria, a man comes across a pygmy standing next to a ferocious dead lion. So, the man approaches the pygmy and asks him, "Did you kill that lion?" "Yes", says the pygmy, "I killed it with my club." Impressed by the tiny fellow, the man exclaims, "Wow! How big is your club?" The pygmy looks up at the man and says, "There are about ninety of us."
  • What's the most common type of tea in Nigeria? Poverty.
  • A wife asks her husband, "what are you getting me for our 10-year anniversary?" The husband answers, "I'm taking you to Nigeria." The wife then answers, "wow, that's amazing. I always wanted to go there. Then what you would get me for our 20th?" The husband responds, "I will pick you up."
  • You cannot date a guy who lives with his parents, but you can date a guy who lives with his wife. You will never see heaven, my sister.
  • You see someone with a good house and a good car and begin shouting that it's vanity. Oh, so nobody has reminded you that poverty is also vanity.

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Have you been looking for some hilarious Nigerian jokes? This article has you covered. These jokes touch on numerous Nigerian issues ranging from the country's diverse culture to its somewhat unenviable economic situation.

Tips from expert

Mr Macaroni also discussed jokes that appeal to a broad audience and topics that may be sensitive due to the diverse tribal landscape in Nigeria. He said:

I'm very conscious about how my art is presented because of my theater background. I believe that drama should not only seek to entertain, but it must inform, educate, and be used as a tool to reform and rejuvenate society. I'm always conscious of the content I create, the meanings, and the gigantic lessons it carries. Who are we creators if we cannot show what is happening in our environment? Society presents the raw materials for every artist and every creator to create his art. You best believe that whatever you see on any creator show reflects society. Sometimes, of course, it's exaggerated, there is much hyperbole, and then there are different elements that we infuse in the contents to present the satire or, in some instances, just for comedic purposes; there's art for art's sake, I just want to make you laugh, and that's it. For some creators, that's fine.

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As a creator, I am very particular about using my content to reflect society and show the state of things and that they can be better. I use my content to address the people and manage the leadership; we all can do better.And, of course, some topics are susceptible and must not be toyed with, topics such as sexual assault; they are touchy topics; you just have to be very careful about them. So basically, if I am creating content about sexual assault, it is directed at just one purpose: to die it, to speak against it, and to let people know that there have to be consequences for actions.But when creating these things, you have to be very careful because you know that there are victims who have suffered from these things, and you might just trigger something. And, of course, I always try to balance my content out. What's on top of my mind is dignity and respect, and that as a people, we must share these traits: love. So, when I'm creating content, I know that I want to entertain you, but at the same time, I want to teach you and awaken your consciousness, and you can only do that by putting out thoughtful content.

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When discussing his comedic influences, Mr. Macaroni revealed that he has no favorite comedian. Instead, he attributed his comedic style to the drama roles he performed in school. He said:

As far as influence in comedic presentation is concerned, it's from school and the fantastic stories, the place that we performed – "Lottery Ticket," "Our Husbands Have Gone Mad Again"... many unique literary pieces with lots of comedy inside them. And of course, that's not to say there are no comedians whose work I don't love. For comedy, I watch stand-up, and I'm a huge fan of stand-up.

NOTE: these jokes are meant for entertainment and to celebrate the humor in Nigerian culture.

READ ALSO: 20 best black female comedians you should be on the lookout for

Legit.ng recently published an article about the 20 best black female comedians. Laughter is often said to be as important to humans as food and air. In a male-dominated industry, black female comedians also crack up hilarious jokes on high stages. From doing stand-ups and improvs to featuring in comedy shows, black female comedians have blown up in recent years.

Comedy is one way of expressing various issues that ail our society. Black female stand-up comedians have made a name for themselves by highlighting such issues through their jokes. Who are the top black female comedians today?

Source: Legit.ng

